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What you should know about Cardiac arrest.



Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops pumping. If this happens, blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs. Cardiac arrests are caused by certain types of arrhythmias that prevent the heart from pumping blood.

Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency. Nine out of 10 people who have a cardiac arrest outside of a hospital die — often within minutes.

A person may be having a cardiac arrest if they:

  • Collapse suddenly and lose consciousness (pass out)
  • Are not breathing or their breathing is ineffective or they are gasping for air
  • Do not respond to shouting or shaking
  • Do not have a pulse

The main cause of cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia, which are types of arrhythmias. Important risk factors include prior cardiac arrest, coronary heart disease, heart valve disease, congenital heart defects, and arrhythmias caused by faulty genes . However, half of cardiac arrests happen to people who did not know they had a heart problem.

Cardiac arrest is a common cause of death.

Cardiac arrest causes about 300,000 to 450,000 deaths in the United States each year.

Cardiac arrest causes about half of the deaths linked with heart attack and stroke.

Causes of Cardiac arrest

Irregular heart rhythms called arrhythmias cause cardiac arrest. Learn more about the types of arrhythmias that can lead to cardiac arrest.

In children, cardiac arrest can occur after respiratory arrest (when breathing has stopped) due to choking or drowning.

Sometimes the cause of a cardiac arrest is not known.

What can trigger a cardiac arrest?

Sometimes an activity or behavior triggers a cardiac arrest. Triggering events are more common in people who have heart conditions or other risk factors.

Possible triggers include:,

  • Heavy alcohol use or binge drinking
  • Physical exertion or physical stress, including competitive sports: In 1 out of 3 cardiac arrests in athletes, the event occurred while they were resting or sleeping after activity. Some types of cardiomyopathy, and rarely, conduction disorders such as long QT syndrome, can cause cardiac arrest during exercise or sleep. However, regular physical activity lowers the risk of cardiac arrest.
  • Recent use of cocaine, amphetamines, or marijuana
  • Drinking too much coffee: This is more common in people who do not regularly drink coffee. Regular coffee drinkers should try to limit consumption to no more than six 5-ounce cups per day. Getting too much caffeine in powders, pills, or energy drinks can also lead to cardiac arrest.
  • Severe emotional stress in the prior month
  • Influenza (flu) infection in the prior month

Your risk of cardiac arrest increases with age. It’s rare in people younger than 30.

In younger people, the main risk factors are genetic arrhythmias, problems with the structure of the heart or coronary arteries, heart inflammation, and substance use.

In older adults, the main risk factors are coronary heart disease and other heart conditions.


Most cardiac arrests occur in men. Women’s risk increases after menopauseexternal link.


Race and ethnicity

Black people have double the risk of dying from cardiac arrest than white people do. Black women’s risk is higher than that of Black men. Hispanic and Asian people may have lower risk than white people do.

Family history

Some conditions that raise cardiac arrest risk run in families. Tell your healthcare provider about any blood relatives who have arrhythmias or cardiac conduction disorders, or had a cardiac arrest. Your provider will also want to know about any blood relatives whose deaths were early, unexpected, or unexplained or the result of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).


Certain genes can cause conditions linked with dangerous arrhythmias. These rare conditions include problems with the heart’s electrical system. Genetic disorders are the main cause of cardiac arrest in children and young adults.

Other medical conditions and events

Other medical conditions, medicines, and injuries can raise the risk of cardiac arrest.

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Respiratory arrest: If a person stops breathing, cardiac arrest will follow unless they get immediate treatment. Choking, drowning, trauma, drug overdose, and poisoning can cause respiratory arrest. Some medical conditions, such as pneumonia and seizure disorders, may also lead to respiratory arrest.

Diabetes and changes in the levels of electrolyte , such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium in the blood, raise the risk of cardiac arrest.

Certain medicines: Some antibiotics, diuretics, and heart medicines can worsen arrhythmias. Make sure your provider knows about all prescription and over-the-counter medicines you take.

A hard blow to the chest: Getting struck on the left side of your chest directly over the heart can lead to cardiac arrest. Most often these injuries are from a baseball, hockey puck, softball, or lacrosse ball. Chest injuries may also occur in soccer and football. Children (mainly boys) are at highest risk for this type of injury.

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What happens to a man in a sexless marriage?




Sex in a marriage is as important as love. Besides the daily turmoils of marriage, couples should be able to focus on their sex life equally. But many a time, one person is more interested in sex than the other, gradually creating intimacy issues within the marriage. When the other person stops indulging in any sexual activities, it can get severely frustrating. Let’s now know how a sexless marriage affects a man in many ways.


When a man is unable to fulfil his sexual needs in the marriage, his thoughts automatically shift towards finding it outside of the marriage. He is more likely to have an affair if he doesn’t get sex with his wife. When all hope of reviving the intimacy in the marriage is lost, he will be frustrated to the point where it leaves him no choice.


When work takes precedence over marital bliss and sex, resentment towards each other start to grow. He might feel angry and irritated when he is unable to have sex, as his wife prefers to sleep at night instead of indulging in sex, at least once.

Lack of emotional attachments

In a sexless marriage, the man might start to feel less emotionally attached to his wife. Love and sex go hand-in-hand in marriage and both are equally important to sustain the bonds in the marriage. He might start to drift apart and be less indulgent in any activities that include bonding or togetherness-time.

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Increase in stress

Research suggests that people who have sex frequently have low-stress levels as opposed to those who do it rarely. The lack of sex in marriage might increase the stress levels in the man’s life causing random bursts of anger and irritation. Gradually, he won’t be able to concentrate on other aspects of his life.

Depression and anxiety

The more you have sex, the happier you will be. While this is completely true. Depression and anxiety can also arise to the lack of sexual satisfaction in a man’s life. Sexual satisfaction is important to keep mental health problems in check. This can even lead to further physical problems like erectile dysfunction.

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My wife is not pregnant and she’s not menstruating, is this possible?




A period can be late for many reasons, including changes in a person’s dietary or exercise regime. A person may choose to take a pregnancy test if their period is late. However, the result can be negative if a person is pregnant but takes the test too soon.

The ovaries release an egg during ovulation, approximately every 28 days. If no sperm fertilizes the egg, a person’s period will usually start about 14 days later.

While a missed period is one of the first signs of pregnancy, there are various other reasons why it can occur.

Menstrual irregularities, such as missed or late periods, occur in 14–25%Trusted Source of women of childbearing age. They can result from a range of conditions besides pregnancy, including hormonal imbalances, hormonal birth control, stress, weight loss, trauma, and certain health conditions.

Short-term causes of missed periods
A women sat at a desk looking pensive

Irregular periods are common, especially during the first few yearsTrusted Source of a person’s period. Many circumstances may affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle, including:

Weight changes due to an eating disorder

The rapid gain or loss of a significant amount of weight can lead to hormonal imbalances. Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa may cause dysfunction in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, which causes changes to hormone levels and may cause periods to be irregular or stop altogether.

Help is available

Eating disorders can severely affect the quality of life of people living with these conditions and those close to them. Early intervention and treatment greatly improve the likelihood of recovery.

Anyone who suspects they or a loved one may have an eating disorder can contact the National Alliance for Eating Disorders, which offers a daytime helpline staffed by licensed therapists and an online search tool for treatment options.

For general mental health support at any time, people can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 24 hours a day at 1-800-662-4357 (or 1-800-487-4889 for TTY).

Many other resources are also available, including:


Intense stress can affect the part of the brain that controls the reproductive hormones. This can cause ovulation and periods to stopTrusted Source.

Once the cause of the stress eases or the person learns coping strategies to manage it, their regular cycle may return.

Producing too much prolactin — breastfeeding

Prolactin is a hormone that the body usually makes during breastfeeding. It can affect menstruationTrusted Source and is why most people who breastfeed do not have periods. Periods typically return once a person stops breastfeeding.

A milky discharge from the nipples can signify that the body is making an abnormally high amount of prolactin in people who are not breastfeeding. Doctors can treat excessive prolactin production with medication.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

People with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance that can affect their overall health and appearance, in addition to causing ovarian cysts. This can cause a person to have irregular periods or stop having them entirely.

Up to 10%Trusted Source of women of childbearing age have PCOS and may have enlarged ovaries with clusters of small, benign cysts.

People with PCOS may experience other symptoms as well as missing periods. These include:

  • very light, very heavy, or unpredictable bleeding during periods
  • skin conditions, such as acne, dark patches, or skin tags
  • being overweight or having obesity
  • thinning hair
  • sleep apnea
  • difficulty getting pregnant
  • excess hair on the face, back, or thighs
  • increases in vaginal discharge
  • cramping

Excessive exercise

Amenorrhea is common among athletes who train intensely. Intense exercise causes the body to release stress hormones, which can interfere with the production of reproductive hormones and cause irregular or missed periods.

Exercises that may cause a person to have low body weight, such as long-distance running or intensive ballet, are more likely than others to cause amenorrhea.

Hormonal birth control

Hormonal birth control works by suppressing ovulation, which means a person may experience changes to their period, including having periods that are early, late, or stopped altogether.

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Long-term causes of missed periods

Some underlying health conditions may cause a person to stop having periods altogether.

Thyroid problems

The thyroid is a gland that produces hormones to control the body’s metabolism.

Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, is when the thyroid does not produce enough of these hormones. Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, results in the levels of thyroid hormones in the body being too high. Both conditions can affect the frequency of a person’s period.

Doctors can usually diagnose thyroid problems using a simple blood test.

Thyroid disorders can cause a person to miss their period but may also cause other symptoms, including;

  • fatigue, or extreme tiredness
  • hair loss
  • unexplained weight gain or loss
  • always feeling cold or being warm all the time


People enter menopause when they have not had a period for at least 12 months. The average age of people entering menopause in the United States is 52 years oldTrusted Source. However, the transition to menopause, known as perimenopause, may cause symptoms that begin at a younger age.

Other symptoms of perimenopause include:

  • heavier or lighter periods
  • hot flashes
  • problems sleeping
  • mood swings or irritability
  • vaginal dryness
  • reduced interest in sex


People with type 2 diabetes are at an increased risk of irregular menstrual periods due to anovulation, which happens when an ovary does not release an egg into the fallopian tube. When this occurs, a person will not get their menstrual period.

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)

POI is when a person’s ovaries stop working as expected before they reach 40 years oldTrusted Source. POI is not the same as early menopause or perimenopause. People with POI may not get their monthly periods or may experience irregular periods.

Cushing’s syndrome

Cushing’s syndrome is a hormonal condition that occurs due to exposure to too much cortisol or medications similar to cortisol. People with Cushing’s syndrome may experience irregular or stopped periods.

Missed period with discharge

Some people may experience vaginal discharge alongside missed periods.

Potential causes of this include:

  • hormonal birth control
  • PCOS
  • delayed ovulation
  • Missed period with cramps

    In some instances, a person may experience abdominal cramps and missing periods.

    Potential causes of this include:

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Types of vagina




an illustration of a vagina that has asymmetrical inner lips is where one side of the labia minora is longer than the other, and hangs down a little past the labia majoraEmma Ledger/Cosmopolitan UK

Asymmetrical inner lips

A vulva with asymmetrical inner lips is where one side of the labia minora is longer than the other, and hangs down a little past the labia majora. It may feel like it looks uneven, but it’s a very common type of vulva, notes Mr Ibraheim.

a drawing of a vulva with prominent inner lipsEmma Ledger/Cosmopolitan UK

Prominent inner lips

This is the most common type of vulva, yet ironically the one women have historically felt most self-conscious about in the surgeon’s experience. Here, the labia minora are longer than the labia majora. Because of the difference in length, the inner lips extend below the outer lips. This can range from a very subtle, slight protrusion to a much more visible one.

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a drawing of a vulva with curved outer lipsEmma Ledger/Cosmopolitan UK

Curved outer lips

If you’ve got this type of vulva, your labia majora will curve round, exposing the labia minora front-on, but will meet evenly at the bottom like an upside down horseshoe. The labia minora here do not tend to hang below the outer lips.

an illustration of a vulva where the labia are tucked in and not visibleEmma Ledger/Cosmopolitan UK

Small, closed lips

Fun fact: this is the least common type of vulva, yet the most typically ‘desired’ one thanks to the fact it’s the shape that’s most frequently seen in porn – and it’s essentially a Barbie vagina. With this kind of vulva, the labia minora are completely contained and hidden inside the labia majora. The outer lips here tend to be more or less flat and rest up against the pubic bone.

a drawing of a vulva with prominent outer lipsEmma Ledger/Cosmopolitan UK

Prominent outer lips

Some vulvas have more prominent labia majora than they do labia minora. The outer lips in this case tend to sit much lower, and can be either full and puffed up or thin and slightly looser.

a drawing of a small vagina giving the appearance of being 'open' and meaning the labia minora can be visibleEmma Ledger/Cosmopolitan UK

Small, open lips

This vulva is similar to the one above, given the small lips. The main difference, however, is that here, the labia majora are set further apart, giving the appearance of being ‘open’ and meaning the labia minora can be visible.

drawing of a vulva described as looking like a 'flower bud about to bloom'Emma Ledger/Cosmopolitan UK

Visible inner lips

Described as looking like a ‘flower bud about to bloom’ by the surgeon, this vulva will typically expose the labia minora through the entire length of the labia majora, which sweep to either side.

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