
What happens to a man in a sexless marriage?



Sex in a marriage is as important as love. Besides the daily turmoils of marriage, couples should be able to focus on their sex life equally. But many a time, one person is more interested in sex than the other, gradually creating intimacy issues within the marriage. When the other person stops indulging in any sexual activities, it can get severely frustrating. Let’s now know how a sexless marriage affects a man in many ways.


When a man is unable to fulfil his sexual needs in the marriage, his thoughts automatically shift towards finding it outside of the marriage. He is more likely to have an affair if he doesn’t get sex with his wife. When all hope of reviving the intimacy in the marriage is lost, he will be frustrated to the point where it leaves him no choice.


When work takes precedence over marital bliss and sex, resentment towards each other start to grow. He might feel angry and irritated when he is unable to have sex, as his wife prefers to sleep at night instead of indulging in sex, at least once.

Lack of emotional attachments

In a sexless marriage, the man might start to feel less emotionally attached to his wife. Love and sex go hand-in-hand in marriage and both are equally important to sustain the bonds in the marriage. He might start to drift apart and be less indulgent in any activities that include bonding or togetherness-time.

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Increase in stress

Research suggests that people who have sex frequently have low-stress levels as opposed to those who do it rarely. The lack of sex in marriage might increase the stress levels in the man’s life causing random bursts of anger and irritation. Gradually, he won’t be able to concentrate on other aspects of his life.

Depression and anxiety

The more you have sex, the happier you will be. While this is completely true. Depression and anxiety can also arise to the lack of sexual satisfaction in a man’s life. Sexual satisfaction is important to keep mental health problems in check. This can even lead to further physical problems like erectile dysfunction.

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