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Civil rights groups decry effort to punish US federal inmates for social media use



Civil liberties advocates are facing a Monday deadline to push the federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to back away from the proposed change, opens new tab, included in a planned overhaul of its disciplinary rules for the more than 155,000 inmates in its custody.
Illustration shows blue verification badge, Facebook and Instagram logos
Federal inmates are already banned from using cell phones and are restricted from accessing the Internet.
While a separate part of the BOP’s plan would also make it an infraction to use social media to commit a crime, the bureau does not explain why it wants to punish inmates over the use of social media more broadly.
“This would not only restrict the First Amendment rights of people in prisons, but I think it really would also seem to be an overreach by restricting the First Amendment rights of people who are not even in BOP custody,” said Shanna Rifkin, the deputy general counsel for the non-profit inmates rights advocacy group FAMM.
BOP spokeswoman Kristie Breshears said the measure is merely a proposal and no change is imminent. The final policy could change depending on public input, she added.
Ebony Underwood, whose nonprofit, We Got Us Now, works with the children of incarcerated parents called the social media proposal “archaic and so inhumane.”
“Social media has been an avenue for so many young people in my community to be able to advocate for our parents,” she added.
Black Americans have historically born the brunt of the nation’s mass incarceration policies. Currently, almost 39% of the BOP’s prison population is Black, even though Black people accounted for 15% of the U.S. population in 2022.
Advocacy organizations and family members often use social media to help inmates garner support for clemency or compassionate release.
“Storytelling and advocacy and social media have been key components to bringing people home,” said Amy Ralston Povah, whose nonprofit CAN-DO Foundation helps inmates advocate for clemency.
Social media is also used to blow the whistle about poor living conditions, civil rights violations and abuse inside prisons.
The BOP uses a tiered system of discipline, with infractions ranked by severity level: Greatest, high, moderate and low.
As proposed, the use of social media would be categorized as “high,” placing it on par with infractions such as extortion, fighting and damaging property.
Criminal justice advocates worry the proposal could scare people away from making any posts about an inmate for fear it could lead to a serious punishment such as solitary confinement or a lengthier prison term through the deduction of good time credits.
Charles Weisselberg, a law professor at the University of California Berkeley, said any information advocates or their loved ones might use online about inmates and their condition would already be sent through channels monitored by the BOP.
“I don’t understand their interest in preventing the further dissemination of something they have already looked at,” he said.

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Honor Israel teaches on Cultivating the Resilience Mindset




Honor Israel is a Lagos based Leadership coach and the founder of The Art of Innovative Leadership. In his once a week free coaching sessions on his whatsapp group, he teaches on how to develop the resilience mindset.

I’m writing this article from my bed, using a torch for visibility, reflecting on my perspectives on resilience. Robert T. Kiyosaki, in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, highlights that what separates successful rich people from others is often referred to as gut, boldness, courage, grit, or what I prefer to call resilience for the purpose of this article. Kiyosaki shared an interview he had with a radio presenter about becoming an entrepreneur. He advised her to take courses in sales, direct selling, or copywriting, or to take a job in advertising to develop the necessary skills for entrepreneurship. The presenter misunderstood the advice, seeing it as a deviation from her belief in being a professional writer. This highlights that resilience is crucial for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs are charting unknown territories infested with challenges. Leaving the comfort of the corporate world to establish your own venture means competing in a highly competitive market where unconventional methods may be necessary for survival. So, what is resilience?

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What is Resilience?

Resilience is the ability to persist and not give up in the face of adversity. It is about staying on course even when faced with setbacks, losses, distress, or external interference. As an entrepreneur, your sphere of influence is often limited, and you must navigate an external environment filled with challenges from vendors, suppliers, applicants, regulators, and more. Resilience is not just a skill; it is a mindset cultivated through life experiences, reflection, strategic thinking, and a strong support system.

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How to Develop the Resilience Mindset

1. Life Experiences
Resilience is learned through adversity. For example, Kiyosaki notes that learning how to manage setbacks is crucial to building wealth and success. This idea is supported by Angela Duckworth in her book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, where she explains that grit (which aligns closely with resilience) is often developed through difficult experiences. These experiences provide the context to understand and apply theoretical knowledge in practical ways.

2. Reflection
Resilience involves self-awareness, often developed through reflection. This aligns with the teachings of Viktor Frankl in Man’s Search for Meaning, where he emphasizes the importance of finding purpose in life’s struggles. Reflection helps clarify goals and values, allowing individuals to draw strength from their experiences and maintain focus on their long-term objectives.

3. Strategic Thinking
Resilience also involves strategic thinking, or what I prefer to call unconventional thinking. Entrepreneurs often have to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to problems. As outlined in Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, resilience involves using both intuitive and deliberate thinking to navigate challenges effectively.

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4. Support System
A strong support system is essential for resilience. Brené Brown, in her book Daring Greatly, discusses the importance of vulnerability and seeking help. Building a support network during times of adversity is not a sign of weakness but a critical component of resilience.

5. Clarity
Adversity often brings clarity to one’s goals and values. Stephen Covey, in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,  emphasizes the importance of beginning with the end in mind. Resilient people use challenging experiences as opportunities to refocus and align their actions with their long-term vision.

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Key Insights

1. Challenges in Business: The business world is fraught with challenges, requiring a positive mindset of resilience and adaptability.
2. Resilience as a Mindset: Resilience is not a skill but a mindset, cultivated through attitude and habit.
3. Persistence in Adversity: Resilience is the ability to persist in the face of setbacks.
4. Essential Traits: Resilience and adaptability are essential traits for every entrepreneur.
5. Synonyms for Resilience: Other terms for resilience include boldness, guts, grit, and courage.
6. Learning Through Experience: Resilience cannot be learned in a classroom but through life experiences, reflection, strategic thinking, and support from others.

©️ Honor O Israel
Leadership coach

All Rights Reserved
August 8, 2024.


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Language is a powerful tool to drive the world.

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Ikeja Electricity reduced tarrif price for Band A customers




The Federal Government of Nigeria has approved the reduction in price of electricity tarrif for Band A customers from N225/kwh to N206.80/kwh.

Ikeja Electricity company in a notice issued to her customers on Monday stated: “Please, be informed of the downward tariff review of our Band A feeders from N225/kwh to N206.80/kwh effective 6th May 2024 with guaranteed availability of 20-24 hours supply daily.

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