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Ibadan ace broadcaster appreciates wife for staying through the thick and thin journey of their life.



An Ibadan based broadcaster, whose name and identity is withheld has penned down an appreciative message for his wife for staying with him when he had nothing.

According to the missing you chats sighted by JN25 reveals that the wife has been financing the family when the husband was out of job for long time.

The husband chats to his wife shows he was thankful to God and his wife for staying with him through the turbulence period of economy hardship.

See the chats from the wife

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See the wife’s  chat below:


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Tips on healthy relationships




Healthy relationships involve mutual respect, trust, and open communication. Here are some tips to help you cultivate strong and healthy relationships:

1. Communicate effectively: Share your thoughts, feelings, and desires with your partner, and listen actively to theirs.

2. Set boundaries: Establish clear limits and respect each other’s needs and preferences.

3. Show empathy and understanding: Be supportive and validate each other’s emotions.

4. Respect each other’s independence: Maintain individuality and personal interests.

5. Foster trust: Be reliable, honest, and transparent in your interactions.

6. Embrace conflicts: Address disagreements in a constructive and respectful manner.

7. Prioritize quality time: Spend quality time together, doing things you both enjoy.

8. Practice active listening: Pay attention to each other’s needs and show that you care.

9. Cultivate intimacy: Prioritize physical and emotional closeness.

10. Embrace growth and change: Support each other’s personal growth and development.

Remember, healthy relationships are a journey, and nurturing them takes effort and dedication from both partners.



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How women enslave men from ages.




Every Man irrespective of who they are must read the book by a German writer Esther Villar In her book “The Manipulated Man”

This book has caused outrage and hostile criticism from women, it explains how women since the earliest times have manipulated men and turned them into their slaves, they have pretended to be the oppressed sex while in the real sense they are the oppressors.

She explains how a woman manipulates a man skillfully by steps like courtship and finally marriage , hence the saying “ a man chases a woman until SHE catches him”.

In her book she explains how the man is tricked to care for the woman all his life and her offspring.

He rolls the stone like Sisyphus and in turn gets rewarded by a few minutes of sexual pleasure.

We can, by observing Esther Villars assertions that a man is a slave of his desires and the woman uses and has used it for thousands of years as a stick and carrot to keep the man chasing vanity and commit his life to serving her.

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Ibadan ace broadcaster appreciates wife for staying through the thick and thin journey of their life.

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She goes ahead to explain the rivalry of women, how each woman feels the powerful urge and need to own a male for herself.

Like a slave owner she detests any move the man would make to offer his services to another woman. She uses all means to keep the man to herself and her offspring alone.

Esther Villar’s sentiments are captured by Nigerian Poet, critic and writer, Chinweizu Ibekwe in his book, “The Anatomy of Female Power” (AFP) and Will Farrel’s, “The Predatory Female”.

They all push the theory that all societies are matriarchal and not patriarchal as we are pushed and forced to believe. Matriarchy has ruled not through brawn but wits and tricks; women feigning weakness to be protected etc. Thus the male becomes the most exploited sex in human history, (in wars the man is always ready to die for the woman; he has been trained to do that).

Chinweizu calls the idea of dating and courtship, training , like that of a horse. It is during this time that a woman having kept the man on a leash by denying him sex and getting him addicted to her by false charms, trains and breaks him to whatever she wants him to become.

The marriage celebration becomes a celebration for the woman and her friends, and they all congratulate her for having succeeded in getting herself a slave.

A man on that wedding day waves goodbye to his independence and his coalition of males and commits himself to a Sisyphean life, rolling the stone, an act he cannot abandon having society and the government checking on him and always ready to jail , shame or exile him for absconding his duties of slavery.

Thus the government and society helps the woman in keeping her slave (man) in check.

Chinweizu gives a narration of how women are trained by older matriarchs to tame men. He explains how a man is trained to rely on women by his own mother.

A man is shamed for cooking for himself and other domestic chores by his own mother who is an agent of the global matriarchal rule.

By getting the man to hate domestic works and having it enforced by culture which warns men against going into the kitchen, doing laundry etc.

The mother trains his son for the woman who will captivate him and when the time comes she takes hold of the man’s stomach and by getting the man addicted to her body she holds him by the two, in bed and in the kitchen.

With those two weapons she manipulates the man and turns him into her plaything.

In the “Myth of the Male Power”, Esther Villar’s “A Man’s Right to the Other Woman”; “The Polygamous Sex”, the authors of those books challenge the narrative that men oppress women, and by detailed research across African, Western and Eastern both in ancient and modern societies, the authors unravel the hidden power of the ruthless matriarchal power that rules the world.

Also Helen E. Fisher did anthropological research of ancient human societies and wrote the book “The Sex Contract, The evolution of human behaviour” 1982. She too came to the conclusion that Marriage is a selfish creation of a Woman, where she uses sex to manipulate a man to take care of her and her offspring. Other male animals do not carry the same burden and responsibility.

President’s, Emperors and Kings are all puppets of the matriarchy forces that rule the World by pulling the strings from behind the curtains



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What happens to a man in a sexless marriage?




Sex in a marriage is as important as love. Besides the daily turmoils of marriage, couples should be able to focus on their sex life equally. But many a time, one person is more interested in sex than the other, gradually creating intimacy issues within the marriage. When the other person stops indulging in any sexual activities, it can get severely frustrating. Let’s now know how a sexless marriage affects a man in many ways.


When a man is unable to fulfil his sexual needs in the marriage, his thoughts automatically shift towards finding it outside of the marriage. He is more likely to have an affair if he doesn’t get sex with his wife. When all hope of reviving the intimacy in the marriage is lost, he will be frustrated to the point where it leaves him no choice.


When work takes precedence over marital bliss and sex, resentment towards each other start to grow. He might feel angry and irritated when he is unable to have sex, as his wife prefers to sleep at night instead of indulging in sex, at least once.

Lack of emotional attachments

In a sexless marriage, the man might start to feel less emotionally attached to his wife. Love and sex go hand-in-hand in marriage and both are equally important to sustain the bonds in the marriage. He might start to drift apart and be less indulgent in any activities that include bonding or togetherness-time.

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Increase in stress

Research suggests that people who have sex frequently have low-stress levels as opposed to those who do it rarely. The lack of sex in marriage might increase the stress levels in the man’s life causing random bursts of anger and irritation. Gradually, he won’t be able to concentrate on other aspects of his life.

Depression and anxiety

The more you have sex, the happier you will be. While this is completely true. Depression and anxiety can also arise to the lack of sexual satisfaction in a man’s life. Sexual satisfaction is important to keep mental health problems in check. This can even lead to further physical problems like erectile dysfunction.

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